Book Review! ….wait, who has time to read books anymore? Especially 4 inch thick ones about parenting that make you feel like you’ve been doing everything wrong, and have already ruined your child forever by age 2! 😉 Well this book, “Parenting, 101 Ways To Rock Your World” by Susan Groner (@theparentingmentor ), is the opposite of allllllll that! This book is an easy read, filled with short paragraph tips made to read on the go or in the 5 min of free time ya might get now and again. Susan writes with zero judgment and every tip feels like common sense, so much so you’ll have numerous light bulb flashing on moments wondering why something so straightforward and sensible didn’t come to you naturally…. probably because you’re so in the depths of parenting it’s hard to always see clearly. And on the flip side of that, she also points out the many times we as parents might be doing something that seems like a logical parenting move, but might actually be construed very differently based on the psychological developmental stage of the child. This book hits numerous facets of parenting. It even focuses on letting go, loosening the reigns of parenthood and just how beneficial that can be to everyone’s mental well-being!
Susan Groner writes in such a way that the book just feels like friendly advice and tips from a friend who’s gone through it all with success, and that’s exactly what we as parents need!
She is the creator of the CLEARR method, that believes parenting strategies should be grounded in six important areas: Communication, Love, Empathy, Awareness, Rules, and Respect. This serves as the foundation of her practice as The Parenting Mentor. And if you feel like you would like a more personalized approach she also offers her mentoring service via phone or Skype sessions!
I can already see that this is a book I will continue to re-read as we approach new and crazy hurdles in this crazy parenting ride! Go follow her @theparentingmentor and find the Amazon link to her book here!