Welcome and thanks for stopping by! I’m a full-time mama, part-time everything else – lover of baking, entertaining, fashion, travel, and cats.
Here are some facts about me:
-I like coffee in the morning and wine in the evening and then some more wine later on in the night.
-I’ve been to Burning Man twice and Stagecoach twice….. I guess I like to experience the full spectrum of things 😉
-My mom and dad are my heroes and guiding examples of forging ahead no matter what life throws at you. My mom lost her first husband to suicide, my dad lost his first wife when she left him after he became paraplegic in a plane crash when he was in the military. Neither of them let these life altering incidents stop them from living. They both went on to get their Masters in psychology and met while working for the Veterans Administration Vocational Counseling Center. Then they had me 💃
-I grew up in San Diego and my parents still live down there on their 17 acre little hobby farm complete with chickens, goats, ducks, and bunnies.
-Robert and I got married in 2015 and babies happened fast, one surprise honeymoon baby, and then a surprise Las Vegas baby, turns out not everything stays in Vegas. We obviously wanted babies, we just didn’t expect the whole 2 under 2 years old package! Sooooo I got an IUD to avoid 3 under 3, TMI, sorry 🎼Getting to know you….🎼
-I’ve worked a fair amount as both a food stylist for productions. And I used to travel all over the world to places like Dubai, Tokyo, Hong Kong, to various fashion marts representing a few different fashion lines helping them get into stores. I’ve also been down the acting path. For a short period of time I was kinda a big deal in the Midwest…. like there were life sized card board cutouts of me in grocery stores level of big deal 😂…don’t be jealous. And I took a photo with these cut outs while filming some commercials for those stores, so I promise to find them and share them!
-And lastly this Mama blogging/instagram world might be 2nd favorite job to date (1st being that full-time job called Mom, but sometimes that job sucks 😉 I’ve always said that I’m “kinda” good at a lot of things, but don’t excel at any one thing: I love taking pictures, but I’m not a professional photographer, I love home decor, but I’m not an interior designer, I love to bake and cook, but by no means am I a chef, I adore fashion, but having worked in that world it’s too much of a grind, I love to write, talk, and over-share, but my husband’s ears need a break. So thank you to this amazing Blogging and IG community for allowing me to put to use all of my “partial” talents 😂
Let’s share, laugh, and enjoy the sweet mama life together!